A meeting with one of our physicians.

Exhaled Nitric Oxide Testing (A charge of $100 applies)
Exhaled Nitric Oxide Testing: Fraction of Exhaled Nitric Oxide in human breath is a highly sensitive volatile mediator which serves as a sensitive marker of airway inflammation. FeNo measurements offer an extra tool to support clinical decisions when diagnosing, treating, and monitoring patients with asthma. FeNo measurements also serve as an objective reference to recognize loss of control with anti-inflammatory medication.

Complete Pulmonary Function Testing (Patients must be 6 years or older)
Pulmonary function tests are a group of tests that measure how well the lungs take in and release air and how well they move gases such as oxygen from the atmosphere into the body’s circulation. The test is done inside a transparent chamber where the patient is asked to breathe into a mouth piece. This test takes approximately 30 minutes.

Independent Exercise Assessments
This test assesses patient eligibility for oxygen funding under the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Home Oxygen Program. The patient will be asked to walk for a short period with and without oxygen.

A spirometry test is a 10 to 20 minute test that assesses for airflow obstruction and determines if bronchodilators make a significant impact on baseline lung function.
See Also: Faciltiy – History – Our Team.